The GEOINFO table on provides land area for geographies covered by Census Bureau surveys and programs. You can access the data by following these steps:
- Visit the advanced search on
- Under the “Surveys” heading, select Geography → Geography Information
- Under the “Geographies” heading, select your desired geographic areas
Example: County → Indiana → All Counties in Indiana - Click Search in the lower right
- Click Tables at the top
- View your results. The GEOINFO table provides land area data in square meters and square miles, as well as data for water area and the internal point of the geography
Please keep in mind:
- When using this geographic information with data from other Census Bureau surveys/programs (e.g. to calculate population density), be sure to use the appropriate geographic vintage that is relevant to the reference year for your dataset. For example, the 2023 American Community Survey uses boundaries that correspond to the 2023 GEOINFO table.
- The GEOINFO table on was first released for the 2023 vintage. We plan to release updated vintages each summer and add prior vintages back to 2020.
- GEOINFO tables that correspond to decennial census years cover more geographic levels than other vintages of GEOINFO tables. This is because the Census Bureau only publishes demographic data for certain geographic levels through the decennial census (e.g. blocks).
Email us at for any questions or comments you may have. For more guidance on data availability and using, the Census API, and Microdata Access, visit our Resources page.
Send your question or a description of the issue you are facing to a Census Bureau support representative.
Have a live conversation with a Census Bureau support representative to get answers to your questions.
Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM ET, Except Federal Holidays.
Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM ET, Except Federal Holidays.