offers functionality that allows you to edit a table ID or other text in the single search bar while maintaining your geography selections.
After editing text in the single search bar, press enter or click the magnifying glass icon to run the search. This will keep geographies you have previously selected via the filter panel in the new search.
Click the magnifying glass in the single search bar to run a search that keeps your previously selected geography filters
Please note: Do not click any of the search suggestions if you want to keep previously selected geographies. Clicking any of the suggested search results will clear all filters and run a new search, which will cause you to lose all previous selections.
Caution: Clicking any of the suggested search options will remove all previous selections
Email us at for any questions or comments you may have. For more guidance on data availability and using, the Census API, and Microdata Access, visit our Resources page.
Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM ET, Except Federal Holidays.